quarta-feira, dezembro 03, 2008


"...When the spark has gone and the candles are out
When the song is done and there's no more sound
Whispers turn to yellin' and I'm thinking

How did we get so mean?
How do we just move on?
How do you feel in the morning when it comes and
everything's undone?
Is it cause we wanna be free? Well that's not me
Normally I'm so strong,
I just can't wake up on the floor like a thousand times before
Knowing that forever won't be
...You know I get so sad when it all goes bad
And all you think about is all the fun you had
And all those sorries ain't never gonna mean a thing, ohhh...

How did we get so mean?
How do we just move on?
How do you feel in the morning when it comes and everything's undone?
Is it cause we wanna be free? Well that's not me
Normally I'm so strong
I just can't wake up on the floor like a thousand times before
Knowing that forever won't be

Oh we said some things that we can never take back
It's like a train wreck trying hit the right track
We opened up the wine and we just let it breathe
But we should've drank it down while it was still sweet
It all goes bad eventually

Now do we stay together cause we're scared to be alone?
We got so used to this abuse, it kind of feels like home
But my baby I just really wanna know, ohhh...

How did we get so mean?
How do we just move on?
How do you feel in the morning when it comes and everything's undone?
Is it cause we wanna be free? Well that's not me
Normally I'm so strong
I just can't wake up on the floor like a thousand times before
Knowing that forever won't be

How did we get so mean?
How do we just move on?
How do you feel in the morning when it comes and everything's undone?
Is it cause we wanna be free? Well that's not me
Normally I'm so strong
I just can't wake up on the floor like a thousand times before
Knowing that forever won't be..."

Hoje, tudo ficou cinza. Tudo ficou nublado e triste. E nessas horas, parece que nada valeu tanto esforço e que, de tudo, não sobrou quase nada. E aí, de tanto cinza, eu fico blue. Fico assim, quietinha e chata. Fico murcha, esmaecida, de pensamento distante e cheia de saudades de uma realidade que, se ainda persistisse, seria igualmente chata nos dias em que se fica chata.
Há, pelo menos, a vantagem de se ser emocionalmente tão instável: dela, deriva a certeza de que esse sentimento não se estenderá, não se solidificará em mim. Amanhã, como ontem, serei o oposto de hoje, e julgarei todo o sentimento de agora exagerado, irracional e vão. Amanhã - talvez mesmo ainda hoje, no fim do dia - serei novamente toda carinho e contentamento, toda amor e paz e felicidade e gratidão por esse homem que, apesar das minhas inconstâncias, me faz, na maior parte do tempo, plena, feliz, e imensamente amada. Apenas não hoje.